Apr 28, 2011

Robo Geisha Kitty Cat Princess

I have named her Mari Sui. Argghhh! I still need to draw the other topics, but my life is starting to return to normal. Soon there will be tattoos and a cyber punk!
This Geisha is cross posted at girls drawing girls The theme was robots, so robot geisha. She is powered by hot tea!


  1. What a charmer this one is! Among other things, I like the tiny hands and techy wings.

  2. aw man, i love this!! tea, cats, hearts, faerie wings-- it's as if i drew it myself. only drawn much better. :)

  3. Wow it is so nice how did u made this art

  4. Awesome! The robot motif reminds me of Samurai Pizza Cats. Which is totally meant as a compliment because I love that cartoon.

    Are the colors done in marker?
